Beautiful Blogger Award

Thank you Genie, the magical one,  for nominating me for this award and being an inspiration to my endeavors as a blogger.

Rules of the Award:

1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post. This may require you to use an image widget.

2.  Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

3. Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award.

My nominations of seven others, whose blogs have shown beauty to me.

1) Source of Inspiration

2) Hang on Baby, We’re Almost Somewhere

3) The Kitchen’s Garden

4) jeepnmom

5) Marie Overfors, freelance writer

6) Another Lovely Day

7) This Page Intentionally Blank

It has taken me a while to post the award and to make these nominations. I am slow. Please visit these blogs and know why I nominated them.  Make a visit to Genie Speaks and meet Genie, a walking breath of sunshine.


About sturner2

I am curious, not fearful or unafraid. I have delivered babies into this world. I have held the dying until their departure. Life, what is if for? What is it about? Do I know or don't I? Knowledge is elusive and never complete. The more I know, the more I know I don't know. My boss once asked me if I knew what I was doing. "No sir," was my reply, "but that has never stopped me before." This is one of those valuable lessons my mom taught me. Just because you don't know doesn't mean you shouldn't. I am willing. I am not always able. I have heard that "If it is worth doing, it is worth doing until you get it right." Here am I, send me. What is there about me that is different than all the rest? Possibly not all that much. I am a soul longing to do more, share more and know more. Born into a body in 1960, my parents raised me and continue to show me. My wife loves me. My children teach me. My friends stand by me. I share in this journey with many others. I am grateful. I have experienced more than 30 years as a husband, more than 30 years as a dad, and more than 30 years in the fire service. I continue to grow, feel and learn; and too, I diminish, numb, and forget. In honor or disgrace, blame or praise, I am prepared.
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7 Responses to Beautiful Blogger Award

  1. Thank you so much for this. You are too kind. The feeling is mutual.

  2. ceciliag says:

    Sturner thank you, this was lovely to wake up to this morning, due to summer time restraints (the farmy is very busy in the summer) I am unable pass the award along for a wee while, but i truly am grateful that you thought of me. Your list looks like a great one and i look forward to visiting some of your beautiful blogger friends. have a lovely day! celi

  3. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award « This Page Intentionally Blank

  4. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award « Another Lovely Day

  5. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award | Tara Woodruff ~ My Challenge

  6. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award | imexcited

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